Hello Folks,
What a glorious weekend it has been weather wise and I have certainly enjoyed it.
I have tried something totally different, I purchased a magazine recently which included a beading kit with instructions and this is what I wish to show you.
The kit included two sorts of beads and a long piece of cord.
Instructions to create the beaded section.
1) Unravel the cord very carefully as you will need all of it. Cut a 25cm long piece and set it aside - this will be used to make the clasp later. Cut a second piece 40cm long - this will be the central cord, which you will knot around. Thread all your big beads onto this 40cm piece and streatch it across a plastic box lid or tray so that it is taut and you can get your fingers under it. Position the remaining long piece of cord underneath this suspended piece. Ensure that you have an equal length of long cord on each side.
2) take the left hand side of the long cord over the short cord and under the right hand side of the long cord - make sure you keep a loop on the left hand side.
3) Now take the right hand side of the long cord and pass it undere the central cord and up through the loop on the left hand side.
4) Pull the two ends of the long cord evenly to tighten the knot around the central cord. This is the first half of the square knot.
5) The second half of the square knot is formed in similar way but in reverse. Take the right hand side of the long cord over the central cord and under the left hand side of the long cord - make sure that you keep a loop on the right hand side.
6) Take the left hand side of the long cord under the central cord and up through the loop on the right hand side.
7) Pull the ends of the cord evenly to tighten and complete the square knot. As you will be working towards you, push the square knot away from you so that it is about 15cm from the very end of the central cord. Repear the knotting method from Step 2 until you have five complete square knots. You may need to experiment with tension a couple of times to get the feel for the knot.
8) Slide the first bead up to the last knot and wrap the two sides of the long cord either side of it.
9) Then tie two complete square knots to hold it in place. Bring the next bead up and repeat until you have used all your threaded beads.
10) After the last bead is added, tie five complete square knots. Now you can remove the bracelet.
11) Secure the ends with glue or clear nail varnish and allow to dry before you trim the excess.
Forming the Clasp.
12) Try the bracelet on for size to see how many square knots you need to form the clasp. Lay the two short strands so that they cross and attach them to the corner of your tray.
13) Take the 25cm piece of cord that you set aside earlier and slip it under the two crossed cords. Make sure that you have an equal length on each side, then tie as many square knots as you need. These knots need to be fairly tight (but not overly tight).
14) Remove from the tray and secure the ends as you did in Sept 11. Add a small bead to each of the central cord tails and tie loose overhand knots. Before pulling tight, check that you can still get the bracelet on!
There you have it, your very own beaded bracelet. So until next time do take care and happy crafting, lol